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Attorney General Brad Schimel's May 10, 2016 opinion stated the DNR can no longer consider the cumulative effects of high-capacity wells on lakes, streams and groundwater when deciding whether to approve new high-capacity wells.  Click here to read more.  This means our wells could go dry and need re-drilling at great expense (~$20,000) since high-capacity wells suck water out at great speeds and may pull the water table below the reach of our wells.

State Legislative Audit Bureau's June 3, 2016 report on DNR Wastewater Permitting & Enforcement highlights (CLICK HERE for full report):

  • A random sample of 320 wells in Kewaunee County (east of Green Bay/south of Door County) found that 110 (34.4 percent) were contaminated withbacteria or unsafe levels of nitrates.  
  • According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentienel.....(click HERE for article) ....“The Legislative Audit Bureau report found the DNR failed to send violation notices in 94% of the nearly 560 instances its policies said it should have over the past decade. The report found that permits have been extended without review for years due to a backlog and that staff members don't have time to thoroughly monitor concentrated animal feeding operations, or CAFOs.”  
  • Turnover has been an issue, especially for DNR staff responsible for CAFO permitting and oversight. 
  • Only 36 of approximately 1,900 reports required to be submitted by CAFO permittees had been electronically recorded as being received. 

KARST bedrock (“swiss cheese” with lots of fissures, caverns, caves, sinkholes) – under our topsoil..... (Click HERE to read report):  The rocks are dissolved mostly along fractures and create caves and other conduits that act as underground streams. Water moves readily through these openings, carrying sediment (and pollutants) directly into our groundwater.....Karst landscapes may have deep bedrock fractures, caves, disappearing streams, springs, or sinkholes....Protect your groundwater and wells by being careful about what you spread in these areas.”  St. Croix County has much of the same type of “karst” bedrock as Kewanee County.